Tax Planning

Tax Planning

Whether it’s carols blasting in the malls, or menorahs in the window, the holiday season is upon us. For small businesses, it can be a great time to say “thank you” to the clients who’ve helped you have a successful year. Some companies choose to send holiday cards, which only cost pennies, but others want to go above and beyond.

Posted December 25, 2019
Tax Planning

The deadline for implementing the FASB’s new leases accounting standard, ASC 842, is fast approaching. Many private companies are only just now realizing that they need to examine their leases in light of the new requirements to bring most leases on-balance sheet.

Posted December 9, 2019
Tax Planning

Which Items are Tax Deductible when Selling a House?

When you list your house on the market, you’re probably thinking about how much money you’ll make or where you want to move next, not about your taxes. A home sale does have tax implications which can either help or hurt you in April.

Posted September 3, 2019
Tax Planning

Change is a constant part of life. With each change, adjustments have to be made. Certain changes in our lives puts us in a different tax category or changes how we need to file our taxes. Legally, we may come under different rules and requirements. There are tax advantages or credits that come with some of life's changes.

Posted August 29, 2019
Tax Planning

Two of the biggest concerns of those who are investing for retirement are not running out of money and maintaining regular cash flow.

Posted May 30, 2019
Tax Planning

With the acceptance of the Tax Cuts and Job Act reform, we are now seeing the results of one of the most expansive tax law changes in nearly thirty years.  With this came large changes to the forms and reporting structures themselves.  No longer are Forms 1040-A or 1040-EZ available for use – everyone must file utilizing Form 1040

Posted April 18, 2019
Tax Planning

One of the hardest things to do as a parent is to leave your child in someone else’s care so that you can go back to work.  Sometimes, preparing for the cost of that care can be nearly as difficult.  Some care centers can cost more than in-state tuition at a university.

Posted April 2, 2019
Tax Planning

We often think that having a home in multiple states is a great idea, and sometimes we contemplate working while traveling between these homes.  In some cases, our jobs take us to multiple locations.  What happens when we work in multiple states throughout the year?

Posted March 11, 2019
Tax Planning

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 has led to changes in the way companies choose to be taxed.  Prior to the tax reform, many businesses were required to use the accrual method of accounting.  But with the change in tax law, businesses with $25 million or less in annual revenue over the prior three years can use the cash method.  M

Posted March 4, 2019
Tax Planning

“You should sell those.”  It’s a phrase many people have heard when showing someone their crafts.  When does a hobby become a business?  Is it when you first start selling your items?  Is it when you first turn a profit?  When can you start deducting expenses against the income?

Posted February 12, 2019